March 15, 2022

Video: Not Without Us! Pathways to a Feminist Just Transition

This year at CSW (Commission on the Status of Women) we examined Pathways to a Feminist Just Transition at a parallel event on Monday, March 14, 2022.

Just Transition is not only about the transfer of the energy sector, it’s a just transition to a new form of society and economic activity. This session advanced the understanding of the potential of a feminist just transition and how it could lead to a higher level policy change and climate justice. 

Based on examples, the event explored what kinds of just transitions hold the potential to achieve a social-ecological transformation and why changing the value of different kinds of work, including unpaid care work and sectors might be necessary in order to achieve low-carbon sustainable development.

Read more about CSW66 here.

Watch the video here:

Spanish translation.
French translation.

Speakers at this event included: 

Ndivile Mokoena, Gender CC Southern Africa

Dunja Krause, UN Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)

Melissa Moreano, Critical Geography Collective Ecuador

Lucy Mulenkei, MADRE

David Williams, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Climate Justice Program (facilitator)
