Part of a series organized by the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung New York City, in cooperation with the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Sao Paulo (Brazil) and the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Brussels (Belgium) on mobility and transportation justice.
Thursday, 25 February 2021, at 2 p.m. Eastern Time (US and Canada) / at 8 p.m. Central European Time (Brussels, Amsterdam, Berlin, Copenhagen)
The issue of women’s mobility in the city mirror structural injustices around unpaid care work and the gender pay gap. Indeed, women are more likely to relay more on public transportation for”trip chaining” (trips that include chores like dropping children off to day care or completely household errands) leading to “time poverty.” And having often times to take on work in non-traditional hours’ women and gender non-conforming people also have to contend with the issue of safety both in the streets and in the public transportation hubs. Women are forced to ask not only “How do I get there” but “how do I get there safely?”
This virtual panel will be examining how transit agencies and local governments must account for women’s need in public transportation, and how activists, artists and policy makers are taking these demands to the streets.
2 p.m. Eastern Time USA/Canada ++ 8 p.m. Central European Time

Neon Cunha woman, black, Amerindian and transgender is one of the most recognized voices in the depathologization of trans identities in Brazil and the first trans woman to denounce violence in the OAS (Organization of American States). She integrates several initiatives and spaces as an independent activist, among them the March of Black Women of São Paulo and as a patron of Casa Neon Cunha, an LGBTQI welcoming space in ABC Paulista.

Ebony Noelle Golden is an artist, scholar, and culture strategist from Houston, TX and currently based in Harlem. She devises site-specific ceremonies, live art installations, creative collaborations, and arts experiments that explore and radically imagine viable strategies for collective black liberation. In 2009, Ebony founded Betty’s Daughter Arts Collaborative, a culture consultancy and arts accelerator, that devises systems, strategies, and solutions for and with education, arts, culture, and community groups globally.

Angie Schmitt is one of the country’s best known writers on the topic of sustainable transportation. She was the long time national editor at Streetsblog. Her writing and commentary have appeared in the New York Times, The Atlantic and NPR. She is the founder of the new firm 3MPH Planning and Consulting, a small Cleveland-based firm which is focused on pedestrian safety. Her book Right of Way: Race, Class and the Silent Epidemic of Pedestrian Deaths in America was published in August by Island Press.

Alexandra Millonig, researcher, Austrian Institute of Technology, She has been conducting research on mobility behavior and mobility data collection. She also works on the topic of gender and mobility and can explain how our transport systems and transport infrastructure need to change to meet the mobility requirements of women.

Norma Rantisi (Moderator) is Professor of Geography and Planning at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada, Co-chair of Planners Network and an editor of Progressive City: Radical Alternatives.
Please register here:
The next series events will take place March 25, on race and transportation, and on April 22 on the right to free public transit.