black lives matter

Posts (3)

Global Solidarity

Set It Off: The Current Uprising is a Chance to Reset American History

A months-long quarantine, an unemployment rate of nearly 20% and rising, and the string of horrific police violence against Black Americans has climaxed in unimaginable frustration.

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Transatlantic Left Voices

The “Post-Racial” Myth:

Every day since a white policeman shot Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old African American, in Ferguson, Missouri, thousands of people have protested against police brutality. At the same time, the surrounding public debate has shown that Whites and Blacks have totally different perceptions of the role racism still plays in U.S. society. In a country […]

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Transatlantic Left Voices

Coming in from the Cold: The Black German Experience, Past and Present

Black people have lived in Europe for centuries, but their experiences in different countries have followed different trajectories. Immigration from the (former) colonies has reshaped French, British, and Dutch society, but the situation in Germany is somewhat distinct. Germany’s colonial period ended early, after World War I, and until recently, there has been little opportunity […]

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