
Posts (7)

Global SolidarityClimate JusticeUnited Nations

Transforming the Financial System for Climate Justice

In this animation, we summarize four of the pathways that we have to take collective action and demand climate justice.

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Climate JusticeUnited Nations

The Future of Climate Finance: Will COP28 Further the Onward March Towards Increased Debt and Dependence on Markets? 

A new consensus is being built by the global north and major development and finance institutions on what climate finance is and how it should be delivered. There has been a careful path laid out to push this approach that extends to the UN climate talks this December, where decisions are likely to further this aggressive agenda. 

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Global SolidarityClimate JusticeUnited Nations

Yeah, It’s Time for Polluters to Pay Up for Loss and Damage

The Loss and Damage Collaboration, with the support of the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung’s International Climate Justice Program, is pleased to present the first in a series of four short films featuring British actor Moses Alexander.

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Global SolidarityClimate JusticeUnited Nations

Illicit Financial Flows

We present the fifth infographic from our series looking at key concepts and processes that influence the work of the United Nations around the Financing for Development process.

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Global SolidarityClimate JusticeUnited NationsDossiersUDHR75

Overcoming the Least Developed Countries (LDC) Conundrum

A truly human rights-based approach to international development cooperation has the potential to usher in new cooperative arrangements among countries and peoples.

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