
Posts (21)

Transatlantic Left Voices

U.S. Socialists’ Long March Through City and State Governments

Socialists in the U.S. face setbacks in Congress, but their influence is growing in city and state governments, especially in New York, where they push for progressive reforms. Despite being a minority, their successes at local levels could help build a stronger national movement. However, challenges remain in achieving major federal reforms and distinguishing from the Democratic Party.

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Transatlantic Left Voices

Jamaal Bowman’s Defeat: A Blow to the Pro-Palestine Left in the US

Bowman’s defeat is no doubt a loss for the Left, but wealthy suburbs are not fertile territory for socialists and progressives anyway. The race does not portend broader revolt against pro-Palestine politics or progressive politics more generally.

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Transatlantic Left VoicesDossiersEuropean Elections 2024

Europe, but Different

With the European project mired in crisis, fundamental changes are needed to bolster social policy and protect workers.

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Global SolidarityTransatlantic Left Voices

Highlights from “Challenges and Victories: The State of the Left in Europe and the US”

We are thrilled to present highlights from our recent conference, “Challenges and Victories: The State of the Left in Europe and the US.”

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Transatlantic Left Voices Union members look on during a rally for the midterm elections. They are holding signs that say "USA" and "Union strong."

Will the US Left Unite Against Reaction?

The US midterm elections, held between presidential elections, determine the party that will dominate the legislative houses of Congress for the next two years. “Dominate” is more appropriate than “control”, because the rules requiring a 60-percent majority in some votes make it nearly impossible to break deadlocks when the division of Congressional seats is practically […]

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Transatlantic Left Voices

Election in Crisis Mode

Any message of solidarity, of a political alliance between the middle class and the working class, of fighting against the powers-that-be, is an uphill battle. If Die Linke wants to build solidarity in the face of growing social inequality and the rise of the far-right in Europe and around the world, the party first must demonstrate that it can practice solidarity within its own ranks.

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Transatlantic Left Voices

Die Linke and the 2021 Federal Elections

Despite considerable successes in party building, organizing, strengthened social movements (Fridays for Future, the tenants’ movement, Black Lives Matter, anti-police law movements, etc.) and Die Linke as an important partner in them, as well as a few exemplary left-wing governments on the state level, Germany’s main socialist party, Die Linke, is stagnating at 7 percent in the polls (2 percent less than recent election results—or worse). A look at possible causes should in no way distract from engagement in the election campaign, but rather clarify its importance once again.

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Global Solidarity

As Goes Georgia: What is at Stake in the Runoff Elections

For much of the country, the long election season seemed finally to be coming to an end. In Georgia however, this was not the case. With Georgia law requiring a majority to win, three statewide offices headed to runoffs: both U.S. Senate seats and a position on the Public Service Commission. Control of the Senate—and with it Biden’s chances of being able to advance any kind of legislative agenda—will be decided in Georgia on January 5.

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Transatlantic Left Voices

Hope is not a Strategy

Democrats need massive mobilization in every election to overcome Republicans’ structural advantages. Without a mobilization, there’s no chance for Democrats to implement the policy change they and their base believe in.

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Global Solidarity

At the End of the Week

On Tuesday, November 3, the eligible citizens of the United States elected a new president, representatives, senators and state legislators. This is probably the most important election in decades. Today, on Friday, a lot of the results remain inconclusive. Therefore, it is too early to give a comprehensive analysis. But, of course, the team of the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung New York Office has a lot of thoughts on our minds that we’d like to share with our audience. So we asked every member of the team: What is on your mind this morning?

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Transatlantic Left Voices

Joe Biden: A winner as Loser

Trump may be “dead” but Trumpism is not – unless and until its social root causes are not dealt with. To do that, it would take at least a program as bold as the socialist Green New Deal for social-ecological transformation.

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Transatlantic Left Voices

Toward a Progressive Democratic Party

The Limitation to Expanding the Progressive Left in 2020 Bernie Sanders did not win the primary, but the progressive revolt within the Democratic Party continues. Much has been written about the reasons Sanders lost his second bid to become the Democratic Presidential nominee, but the fact that the Vermont Senator lost does not tell us […]

Global Solidarity

Suppressing Democracy

If Republicans succeed in suppressing their opponents’ votes this fall, it could have a dramatic impact on the future not just of Georgia but of the entire country.

Global Solidarity

NYC’s Primary Shows the Decline of the Democratic Machine

The Democratic Party machine is a hollow shell, a monopoly whose product appeals to relatively few but thrived because it could smother any competition. Since a real opposition finally got organized, the machine has repeatedly been overwhelmed.

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Transatlantic Left Voices

The Democrats’ Super Tuesday: Before, During and After

What started with 24 candidates had dwindled to only a handful by Super Tuesday. Now the race is between Biden, the pick of the party’s centrist leadership, and Sanders, an insurgent leftist. After Biden’s win in the Michigan primary, the party’s leadership is faced with a new challenge: whether to negotiate terms of cooperation, or try to isolate the left from the July convention and the campaign.

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Global Solidarity

Holding Pattern

In this new publication, Coordinating Editor of Canada Dimension Andrea Levy offers a key analysis of the recent election in Canada and its main players, and what do the results mean for the Left in North America.

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Transatlantic Left Voices

De Blasio: Two Cities, One Future

On November 5 in New York City, Bill de Blasio captured a stunning 73.3% of the mayoral vote with one of the most progressive platforms of a major party candidate in recent U.S. political history. De Blasio’s victory was at once a powerful repudiation of outgoing Mayor Bloomberg’s neoliberal administration and a broad public call […]

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Transatlantic Left Voices

After Eight Years of Merkel: The Political Climate in Germany Before the Election

German federal elections will be held on September 22, and the center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU), led by Chancellor Angela Merkel, looks primed for yet another victory. The CDU, in coalition with the die-hard neoliberal Free Democratic Party, has run a short campaign largely free of major substantive issues. They are instead relying on a […]

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Transatlantic Left Voices

Three Visions for the Future

Approaching the 2012 presidential election, we see a great deal of disagreement over how to assess President Obama’s first four years in office and to what extent progressives should support his re-election. To adequately address these issues, we must first take into account what I consider to be a grand debate taking place between three […]

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Transatlantic Left Voices

Obama, Romney and the Fight for the White House

In the battle for the White House, the predominant depiction by the media industry portrays the opposing camps of the Democratic incumbent, Barack Obama, and his Republican challenger, the multi-millionaire and former Governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney, as irreconcilable. But are the political differences between them really as large as the media industry makes it […]

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