
Posts (8)

Global SolidarityDossiersUDHR75

The Politics of Cruelty

From personal narratives in the U.S. to the Taliban’s reign in Afghanistan, Kate Alexander exposes the weaponization of fear that subjects migrants, the queer community, and BIPOC families to cruel policies, aiming to divide and silence.

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Global Solidarity

A Feminist Recovery Plan for Hawaii, and Beyond, Post-COVID-19

The Hawaii State Commission on the Status of Women has proposed a Feminist Economic Recovery Plan for COVID-19 that is geared toward women’s liberation. Can it be a model outside the archipelago?

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Transatlantic Left Voices

We Don’t Want to Go Back to Normal: COVID-19 and Women’s Struggles

As COVID-19 brings to light the class, gender, and racial relations that structure our societies, it should also compel us to criticize and denounce what passed as normality before the pandemic.

Global Solidarity

Austerity and Feminism: Women Workers’ Struggles in the U.S.

In this timely study, Cinzia Arruzza discusses the inherent limitations of the Beijing Declaration and Platform of Action and the failure in its implementation due to the persistence of austerity policies. The author uses the notion of social reproduction—and of its crisis—to analyze the effects of austerity on women’s lives and working conditions, and to contextualize recent […]

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History from Below

Rosa Luxemburg’s Ethical Feminism

In this essay, Drucilla Cornell discusses the relevance of Rosa Luxemburg’s socialist feminism for our times.

Global Solidarity

The Feminization of Agriculture: Preserving Biodiversity Through Farmer Control of Seeds

While women make up close to half of the world’s farmers, their access to agricultural resources and land is often severely limited. As a result, women are relegated to marginal environments (such as wild plant areas, forests, or gardens) and tasked with unpaid food-related care work (like storing, preparing, and serving food), leading many researchers […]

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Transatlantic Left Voices

Who Cares? A Feminist Critique of the Care Economy

It would seem that contemporary capitalism doesn’t care that much about care work. Including support for our elders, children, mentally ill, and others requiring assistance, care work is either poorly remunerated or, quite often, not paid at all. Professional care workers are among the least protected and most exploited members of the labor force. Mothers, […]

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Transatlantic Left Voices

Legitimate Rape, Sluts and Feminazis: The Republican War on Women

“Legitimate rape.” With these two words, Republican Congressman Todd Akin stirred up a storm of controversy, provoking a fresh round of public debate over just how backwards the Republican Party is on issues of women’s equality. The term “War on Women” was bandied about in the following months, as Democrats and Republicans alike jockeyed to […]
