With elections scheduled for 23 February and the crisis deepening by the day, this new dossier collects reports and analyses on the situation in Germany, shedding light on the dynamics behind the Federal Republic’s looming lurch to the right and exploring potential pathways to left renewal.
Tags: election, germanyBuilding a broad, cross-party front is crucial to defeating the far-right surge in Germany
Tags: AFD, die linke, election, germanyReport back from Made in Germany?—Art and Identity in a Global Nation by Angelika Nguyen, director of “Brotherland is Burnt Down.”
Tags: germany, migrationQueer feminist climate activist Rachitaa Gupta on how Israel’s war in Gaza and the repression of pro-Palestinian protests has affected Germany’s standing with the climate justice movement in the run-up to COP29.
Tags: climate justice, germany, human rights, palestineOn July 10th, our director, Stefan Liebich, hosted a conversation with Sukayna El-Zayat under the title “Rethinking Muslim Life in Berlin and Germany“.
Tags: germanyEighty years ago, on June 6, 1944, the final chapter of German National Socialism was finally opened.
Tags: D-DAY, germany, normandy, ww2On May 20th, our director, Stefan Liebich, hosted a conversation with Dr. Irene Runge under the title “Rethinking Jewish Life in Berlin“.
Tags: east berlin, gdr, germany, jewishPerspectives for the European Left going into the 2024 European elections.
Tags: election, EU elections, europe, european left, european union, germany, laborWe are thrilled to present highlights from our recent conference, “Challenges and Victories: The State of the Left in Europe and the US.”
Tags: biden, die linke, election, germany, labor, USAFor residents of the communities within the emissions zone of petrochemical plants and many observers of the booming Texas’ petrochemical industry, the racial and economic impacts of this activity are impossible to ignore.
Tags: climate justice, environmental racism, fossil fuels, germany, texas, USAIn this new briefing of our series about the UN Treaty on Business and Human Rights in collaboration with the Global Policy Forum, Karolin Seitz highlights the potential of the draft agreement to translate the feminist foreign and development policy envisaged by the German government from theory into practice.
Tags: business and human rights, feminist foreign policy, germany, global policy forum, human rights, un, UN Treaty, united nationsIntroducing a publication written by Dr. Johannes Schulten and Jörn Boewe, supported by the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung’s Geneva Office, which asserts the global transformation of the automotive industry. The English translation of the publication will be released soon. The automotive industry plays a pivotal role in the intersection of climate change, industrial policy and labor […]
Tags: germany, labor, tesla, USAThe Russian invasion must prompt the Left to re-think its geopolitical assumptions.
Tags: germany, russia, UkraineTen years after its founding, the Alternative für Deutschland shows no sign of moderating its politics.
Tags: AFD, extremism, far right, germanyExpectations were high when the new German government took office one year ago today, on 8 December 2021. After 16 years of Angela Merkel, newly elected Chancellor Olaf Scholz from the Social Democratic Party (SPD) promised a new beginning. The governing coalition consisting of Social Democrats, Greens, and the Free Democrats (FDP) — known as […]
Tags: die linke, germanyGermans will vote in federal elections on Sunday, September 26 elections. Current polling shows no clear front runner, and there is talk of many possible governing coalitions. But one thing is certain, after more than 15 years in office, Angela Merkel will no longer be Chancellor. But what is at stake for Germans in this election? And what are the prospects for the Left going into the September vote? Watch this conversation between Die Linke MP Stefan Liebich and RLS-NYC Director Andreas Günther about these questions and more.
Tags: die linke, elections, germany, merkelAny message of solidarity, of a political alliance between the middle class and the working class, of fighting against the powers-that-be, is an uphill battle. If Die Linke wants to build solidarity in the face of growing social inequality and the rise of the far-right in Europe and around the world, the party first must demonstrate that it can practice solidarity within its own ranks.
Tags: die linke, election, germanyDespite considerable successes in party building, organizing, strengthened social movements (Fridays for Future, the tenants’ movement, Black Lives Matter, anti-police law movements, etc.) and Die Linke as an important partner in them, as well as a few exemplary left-wing governments on the state level, Germany’s main socialist party, Die Linke, is stagnating at 7 percent in the polls (2 percent less than recent election results—or worse). A look at possible causes should in no way distract from engagement in the election campaign, but rather clarify its importance once again.
Tags: die linke, election, germanyThe Present and Future of the Past It’s difficult for me to write about it today. I was born in 1954, 16 years after the pogrom in the night of 9–10 November 1938. And yet I still wake up time and again from nightmares in which trains roll east—towards the extermination camps. I see people […]
Tags: germany, history, pogromThe State of Germany in the Run-Up to the September 2017 Parliamentary Elections Germany’s Bundestag elections are a mere two months away and one thing is certain: unlike many other European Union countries, in Germany all signs point to continuity. During and after the 2008 financial crisis, as well as the eurozone crisis that subsequently […]
Tags: die linke, elections, germanyBlack people have lived in Europe for centuries, but their experiences in different countries have followed different trajectories. Immigration from the (former) colonies has reshaped French, British, and Dutch society, but the situation in Germany is somewhat distinct. Germany’s colonial period ended early, after World War I, and until recently, there has been little opportunity […]
Tags: black lives matter, germany, immigrationPassionately watching last week’s election returns* at the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung’s office in New York, without ever having been to Germany or learned more than a half-dozen German words, was an unusual experience. It was easy enough to orient my sympathies — as an American socialist they stood with the Left Party. My initial disappointment […]
Tags: die linke, elections, germanyGerman federal elections will be held on September 22, and the center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU), led by Chancellor Angela Merkel, looks primed for yet another victory. The CDU, in coalition with the die-hard neoliberal Free Democratic Party, has run a short campaign largely free of major substantive issues. They are instead relying on a […]
Tags: election, germany, merkelThe German political party DIE LINKE (Left Party) was established in 2007 as a merger of two previously independent parties: the Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS), founded in 1990 and predominantly anchored in East Germany, and the Electoral Alternative for Labor and Social Justice, founded in 2004 in the western part of the Republic. Since […]
Tags: die linke, germany, politicsIn September 2005, the Left Party emerged as a new player in German politics, receiving 8.7 percent of the vote and entering the federal parliament with 54 deputies. Where did the Left Party come from? What are its principal values and goals? And what challenges does the party face in its quest to become an […]
Tags: die linke, germany