green new deal

Posts (7)

Global SolidarityClimate Justice

Beyond Recovery: The Global Green New Deal and Public Ownership of Energy

In the most recent Working Paper of Trade Unions for Energy Democracy, the group explores ideas about public ownership and the role of a Global Green New Deal from the left as a legitimate alternative to the current neoliberal approach to energy transition.

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United Nations

RLS Engagement with Commission on the Status of Women 2022

The Importance of Gender Equality to Climate Justice The 66th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women is taking place from March 14-25, 2022. This annual gathering is where Member State representatives evaluate progress and challenges toward global gender equality goals and develop recommendations and policies to further gender equality worldwide. This […]

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Climate Justice

Democratizing Public Services

Campaigns have flourished around the world, seeing public ownership as the pathway toward the Green New Deal future.However, public ownership alone is not enough; it must be democratic, accountable and resilient. Much has been written on how to achieve public ownership, but much less has been articulated for what it looks like after public ownership has been won. These very real questions of democracy and governance are not easy, but they are necessary. Both Anne Le Strat and Mike Menser have dedicated their careers to thinking about this topic. While they have different experiences and focuses, they have come together for this. They try to lay out what key principles are needed for successful democratized public services to become a reality.

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Global Solidarity is a reference for climate activists and trade activists to use in the fight for the Green New Deal world we need. With this standalone website we outline the steps to fundamentally transform the trade regime so we can achieve the Green New Deal future we need.

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Global SolidarityTransatlantic Left VoicesClimate JusticeDossiersThe Biden Era

How to Design and Pay for a Green New Deal

There is a genuine acknowledgement by the political establishment that more economic relief is needed. They have come to recognize the need for more in addition to the CARES Act that was signed into law in March 2020 and the most recent Pandemic Relief Bill. It is likely that the Biden administration will boost economic relief while it attempts the herculean task of distributing 100 million COVID-19 vaccine doses in its first 100 days. However, all of this is simply temporary relief that keeps the economy from slipping into a Great Depression. What it does not do is constitute any structural remedy to the deeper socio-economic and ecological problems that we face. For that we must look elsewhere.

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Climate Justice

Apart, Together.

Introducing a collective project, led by the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung’s New York and Brussels offices, which asserts that climate and COVID-19 represent two sides of the same crisis, and that they must now be addressed together.

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Transatlantic Left Voices

Green Transformation

The global financial crisis and subsequent economic collapse, as well as the failure to come to terms with the imminent threat of climate change, have left neoliberalism intellectually bankrupt. But powerful social forces—especially financial capital and the fossil fuel industry—remain aligned in support of this set of social relations. This old guard is pursuing a […]
