human rights

Posts (10)

Global SolidarityClimate JusticeUnited Nations

Is Germany Upholding “No Climate Justice Without Human Rights”?

Queer feminist climate activist Rachitaa Gupta on how Israel’s war in Gaza and the repression of pro-Palestinian protests has affected Germany’s standing with the climate justice movement in the run-up to COP29.

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United NationsDossiersUDHR75

Podcast: Beyond a Declaration – What Rights Can Do

New podcast series looking into the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in its 75th anniversary. The series of four episodes was produced by RLS Geneva in collaboration with Bubblegum Club.

United NationsDossiersNew Multilateralism

Report on the UN Treaty on Business and Human Rights

From October 23 to 27, 2023, 76 states met for the ninth time at the United Nations Human Rights Council to negotiate an international human rights treaty to regulate companies and their supply chains (also known as the “UN Treaty”).

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Global SolidarityUnited NationsDossiersNew Multilateralism

Gender Justice In The Global Economic System

In this new briefing of our series about the UN Treaty on Business and Human Rights in collaboration with the Global Policy Forum, Karolin Seitz highlights the potential of the draft agreement to translate the feminist foreign and development policy envisaged by the German government from theory into practice.

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Climate JusticeUnited NationsDossiersUDHR75

Want to Avoid Climate Disasters? Protect Environmental Defenders

Global South activists are at the frontlines of the fight to keep fossil fuels in the ground. If we want to avoid the unrelenting impacts of the climate crisis, we must drastically step up our efforts in protecting the human rights of environmental defenders everywhere.

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United NationsDossiersUDHR75

The Declaration of Human Rights and the Need for a Universal Enriched by Every Particular

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is an instrument built through the discursive hegemony of the West. A decolonization exercise is essential to think a declaration that approaches the peripheries of the world and the experience of the peoples in struggle.

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United NationsDossiersUDHR75

Fighting Inequality: The untapped Potential of Human Rights

The “age of human rights”, says legal historian Samuel Moyn, has been “kindest to the rich”. It is hard to argue otherwise, with a staggering rise in economic inequality between the haves and have-nots coinciding with the expansion of human rights discourse over the past 50 years. This trend shows no sign of abating. Since 2020, […]

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Global SolidarityClimate JusticeUnited NationsDossiersUDHR75

Overcoming the Least Developed Countries (LDC) Conundrum

A truly human rights-based approach to international development cooperation has the potential to usher in new cooperative arrangements among countries and peoples.

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United Nations

Options for a UN Treaty on Business and Human Rights

In 2014, Ecuador and South Africa initiated a resolution to create a human rights treaty to regulate the activities of transnational corporations (TNCs) and other business enterprises. Since 2015, the open-ended intergovernmental working group on transnational corporations and other business enterprises (OEIGWG) has met three times to discuss the scope and content of the prospective […]

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United Nations

The Struggle for a UN Treaty

Towards Global Regulation on Human Rights and Business Over the course of the last years, the international debate surrounding the environmental, social and human rights responsibilities of corporations has gained momentum. Not least, growing public criticism of transnational corporations and banks has contributed to this debate. The list of criticisms is long: Ever-new pollution scandals […]

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