just transition

Posts (7)

Global SolidarityTransatlantic Left VoicesClimate Justice

Northern Lights? Nordic Lessons for the Just Transition

For many, Scandinavia is synonymous with social democracy, high union density, public ownership, and progressive governments inclined to climate action and sustainable policies. A recent study tour to Norway and Denmark, hosted by Rosa Luxemburg Foundation’s New York and Brussels offices, found that both countries still struggle with entrenched interests – local and international – holding back a genuine “just transition”.

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Climate Justice

Sustainable Work and Just Transition

In this new report published by the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Geneva Office, author Dario Azzellini analyzes transition policies and the labor movement in France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Norway, Spain, Poland, Colombia, Mexico and the Philippines

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Global SolidarityTransatlantic Left VoicesClimate Justice A group of environmental activists rally in front of the U.S. Supreme Court holding a banner that says: Get Climate Done.

Systemic Transformation Needs for a Global Just Transition: Climate Justice in the US

Aaron Eisenberg, RLS-NYC project manager, talked with Dharna Noor, climate reporter of the Boston Globe, to understand the shifting terrains in the U.S. post West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency at the Supreme Court (the case related to the Clean Air Act and the ability of EPA to regulate carbon dioxide emissions), and the largest climate bill ever passed in the US, the Investment Recovery Act or IRA, passed this summer.

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Climate Justice

Strong Unions and Communities

The understanding of ‘what is just’ within a transition towards a fossil-free world changes depending on where it is used. Whereas some claim it is for a “Jobs first” narrative (usually referring to jobs in the global north), more progressive unions and unionists (like TUED, WEDO, and LNS) and environmental justice movements use it in order to phase out of fossil-fuel industries that are harming the environment, workers, and communities. For them there is no dichotomy between labor and the environment, this world prescribed by “just transition” is one where justice reigns, and workers and affected communities are part of the solution.

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Climate Justice

Climate Justice From Below

This report discusses urban and local-level transitions to a lower carbon economy and aims to kick-start a conversation on the potential of local just transition policies.

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Climate Justice

Mapping Just Transition(s) to a Low-Carbon World

The Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung—New York Office, the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), and the University of London Institute in Paris are launching today an essential new report on the State of the Art of Just Transition.

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