Re-framing Community in the Face of Global Migration Black immigrant communities around the world are redefining the struggle from civil rights to global citizenship. Here we look at the intersections of race, class, gender and Black immigrant communities, as well as the potential for solidarity from below.
Tags: left forum, migrationAt the Left Forum 2014, Bernd Riexinger, co-chair of Germany’s DIE LINKE (Left Party), and Kshama Sawant, Seattle City Council Member, discuss current challenges and strategies of how we can move forward in rebuilding the Left.
Tags: Bernd Riexinger, electoralism, Kshama Sawant, left forum, socialismAn Interview with Bernd Riexinger – On May 28, the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung—New York Office and Jacobin Magazine are hosting a public discussion on the future of the European Left between Bernd Riexinger, co-chair of Germany’s Left Party (DIE LINKE), and SYRIZA strategist Elena Papadopoulou. How are DIE LINKE and SYRIZA building on what came […]
Tags: die linke, left forum, syriza