
Posts (2)

Global Solidarity

Women in the City and Mobility

The issue of women’s mobility in the city mirror structural injustices around unpaid care work and the gender pay gap. Indeed, women are more likely to relay more on public transportation for”trip chaining” (trips that include chores like dropping children off to day care or completely household errands) leading to “time poverty.”  And having often […]

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Global Solidarity

The Road Less Travelled: Reclaiming Public Transport for Climate-Ready Mobility

In this timely publication, authors Sean Sweeney and John Treat do away with some of the more persistent myths around energy and emissions trends related to transport. Focusing their analysis on passenger road transport, they make a strong case that if we want to mitigate climate change, we need to expand public transport options. Theirs is an urgent cause given the fact that, as a result of global land transport, current emissions are several times higher than the 2-3 gigatons by 2050 considered to be compatible with the Paris goal of global net zero emissions.

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