This year, the New York Office of the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung is joining thousands around the world to spread a message of peace and hope for a nuclear-free future as part of the global campaign Cranes For Our Future. On the 79th anniversary of the American bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we add our voice to demand that world leaders put an end to the existential threat of nuclear war.
Tags: nuclear, nuclear abolitionOn the eve of the inauguration of Joe Biden, we at Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung – New York commissioned a series of reports on key political issues. We wanted to hear how experts feel the Biden administration might address these issues and better understand how receptive the incoming administration is to a progressive agenda, and know on what issues progressives will have to continue to put pressure. You can read the complete series below.
Tags: biden, china, covid-19, education, housing, labor, military spending, mmt, nuclear, progressive, russia, unAn Assessment for the Future When nuclear power started to develop into an ever more important source of electric energy during the second half of the twentieth century, there grew widespread optimism regarding the potential of this seemingly unlimited, clean and, in the long run, economic resource. The unresolved problem of how to dispose of […]
Tags: climate, nuclear, nuclear power