The issue of women’s mobility in the city mirror structural injustices around unpaid care work and the gender pay gap. Indeed, women are more likely to relay more on public transportation for”trip chaining” (trips that include chores like dropping children off to day care or completely household errands) leading to “time poverty.” And having often […]
Tags: mobility, public transitAs the U.S. confronts the twin crises of climate and the coronavirus, each disproportionately harming Black and brown Americans, it’s time for a reckoning over our failed federal transportation policies.
Tags: gnd, public transitCar-based society has arrived at a dead end: Oil, the most important resource for car travel, is slowly but surely running out. At the same time, both the number of registered vehicles and the amount of carbon dioxide exhaust continue increasing, severely intensifying global warming and, consequently, climate change. What does the future of mobility […]
Tags: just mobility, public transit, public transportation