
Posts (4)

Transatlantic Left Voices

Mapping the European Left: Socialist Parties in the EU

The European party system is changing rapidly. As a result of the ongoing neoliberal attack, the middle class is shrinking quickly, and the decades-old party allegiance of large groups of voters has followed suit. The European far right has been able to capitalize on this development; in many countries, populist and radical right-wing parties have […]

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Transatlantic Left Voices

Energy Democracy in Greece: SYRIZA’s Program and the Transition to Renewable Power

January 25, 2015 was a historic day: the people of Greece chose to break with austerity policies. They elected SYRIZA—the Coalition of the Radical Left—as the largest party in parliament, Alexis Tsipras will become prime minister. The importance of this victory for the left in Greece, Europe, and indeed the world should not be underestimated. […]

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Transatlantic Left Voices

The Rise of the Radical Left in Greece

One hundred leaders of the left from North America and Europe gathered August 1-4, 2014 in upstate New York for “Mapping Socialist Strategies” (organized by RLS-NYC). Ioannis Bournous and Giorgos Karatsioubanis (both from SYRIZA) discuss the organizing work of the coalition of the Greek Left.

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Transatlantic Left Voices

Talking Left Strategies: Changing Society Through Campaigns

An Interview with Bernd Riexinger – On May 28, the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung—New York Office and Jacobin Magazine are hosting a public discussion on the future of the European Left between Bernd Riexinger, co-chair of Germany’s Left Party (DIE LINKE), and SYRIZA strategist Elena Papadopoulou. How are DIE LINKE and SYRIZA building on what came […]

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