The legal assessment of sanctions is a complex endeavour. It combines many different areas of general international law with specific legal areas such as human rights or trade law, which apply only to certain domains. Furthermore, the question of whether or under which circumstances sanctions are lawful touches upon the foundations of international law. Unlike […]
Tags: international law, law, sanctions, un, un reform, united nationsThis study seeks to provide impetus to a broad international discourse in aid of a future in which the world is shaped by principles of peace and justice.
Tags: un, un reformThere is still enormous potential and possibility of pursuing economic issues, and a new and democratic global economic architecture within the UN, with the potentials and possibilities resting on the political will of states. Pursuing just global governance through international cooperation and solidarity is necessary.
Tags: un, un reform, united nationsResearchers Barbara Adams and Marina Lent address the need for a complete overhaul of the UN system, including reforming the Security Council, to create a kind of multilateralism capable of counteracting the global crisis.
Tags: global policy forum, un reform, united nationsIn this paper, Global Policy Forum’s Board Chair and Senior Policy Advisor Barbara Adams explores current approaches to democratizing the United Nations and opportunities for rights-based progressive policy advocacy.
Tags: Global Governance, un reform, united nationsReforming the UN for People and Planet Since the United Nations’ founding 70 years ago, UN reform has been on the table—and, indeed, the institution has undergone several phases of reform. What is meant by reform, however, varies greatly depending on who is raising the issue. While there is no question that the UN is […]
Tags: un reform