
Posts (3)

Transatlantic Left VoicesClimate Justice

NAFTA’s Shadow of Obstruction

Investor rights in the expired North American Free Trade Agreement continue to undermine democratic decision-making and climate policy in Mexico, Canada, and the United States.

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Global Solidarity

Unpacking the COVID-19 Labor Shortage

It appears that that after more than a year of economic turmoil and job losses, some workers are finding that employers are competing to recruit them with better compensation and job quality, and prospective employees have a slightly more capacity to hold out for better jobs. The labor market’s improved offerings might seem to conservatives like an undeserved reward for the jobless, but they actually reflect a small advantage for labor.

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Transatlantic Left Voices

Displaced, Unequal and Criminalized: Fighting for the Rights of Migrants in the United States

In the United States of America, a country founded and shaped by immigration, roughly eleven million people currently live undocumented according to official estimates. Under President Barack Obama, their position has hardly improved. In June 2012, Obama ordered that undocumented immigrants receive a residency permit if they had entered the U.S. during childhood. However, he […]

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