Labor and a Jobs Guarantee project is a three part series on April 1, 8 and 15, at 1PM Eastern.
If you missed our first week featuring Fadhel Kaboub, Sydney Ghazarian, Sandy Darity, and Kari Thompson you can view it now on youtube here:
If you missed our second week featuring Sara Nelson, Carl Rosen, Keon Liberato, and Judy Ancel you can now view it on youtube here:
This series will serve three purposes:
1) it will be a popular education training on the Jobs Guarantee,
2) highlight the historic potential of a JG through the lenses of racial justice and climate justice, and
3) most importantly, create and build links between those advocating for a jobs guarantee and those fighting for a strong, mass, working-class, labor movement following the framework of UE’s Them and Us.
The first two weeks will focus on education and link building. The third week will be centered around facilitated small group discussions, where we hope to draw out and hone in on some of the particulars necessary for a JG to be truly transformational to building the working class mass movement necessary to achieving a GND. We also hope to be able to clarify and rectify some of the misconceptions around the Jobs Guarantee, and that when people speak of a Jobs Guarantee, they are speaking of one where labor is centered from the beginning, and all the considerations have been taken into account.
The organizations sponsoring this event are Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung NYC (RLS-NYC), United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE), Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity (GISP), and Democratic Socialists of America Ecosocialists (DSA Ecosocialists)
Register now: