At this year’s Left Forum, the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung—New York Office will again be presenting a number of panels on a wide variety of topics:
Sat, 5:10pm, Rm. L2.82:
Greece vs. Germany: The Battle for Europe’s Future
Portrayed as a “David vs. Goliath” story in the media, the continued drama between Greece and Germany has swept across the world. How does this narrative impact international left solidarity and SYRIZA’s fight against the Troika?
Konstantinos Tsoukalas (Member of Parliament, SYRIZA)
Natassa Romanou (SYRIZA New York)
Christina Kaindl (Head of Strategy Dept., DIE LINKE)
Dominic Heilig (DIE LINKE’s Forum Democratic Socialism)
CHAIR: Eduardo Maura (PODEMOS, Political Secretariat)
This panel is co-hosted by The Nation Magazine.
Sat, 10:00am, Rm. L2.80:
Whose City? Our City! Fighting Gentrification in the United States and Europe
Displacement is currently one of the most insidious forms of accumulation through dispossession—as well as oppression of working class and Black and brown communities. How are different activist groups educating the general population about this trend?
Florian Kasiske (Recht auf Stadt, Germany)
Santi Mas de Xaxas (PAH, Spain)
Dawn Phillips (Causa Justa :: Just Cause, Bay Area)
CHAIR: Rachel LaForest (Right to the City Alliance, USA)
Sun, 03:40pm, Rm. 1.76:
Black Cooperatives and the Fight for Economic Democracy
Black communities in the U.S. have long experimented with different forms of mutual aid and cooperative enterprise. How can coops and other tools of economic democracy be used to build community strength in a country founded on slavery?
Jessica Gordon Nembhard (CUNY, John Jay College)
Kali Akuno (Cooperation Jackson)
Ed Whitfield (Fund 4 Democratic Communities)
CHAIR: Ethan Earle (Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung—New York Office)
Sat, 03:15pm, Rm. 1.129:
Low-Wage Worker Movements in South Korea, Germany, and the United States
Austerity is being used to curtail workers’ rights and drive an ever increasing low-wage sector. What are the national particularities involved in this process across the advanced industrialized world and what are the similarities?
Sarah Jaffe (Labor Journalist)
Oliver Nachtwey (University of Darmstadt, Germany)
Sukjong Hong (Korea Policy Institute)
CHAIR: Albert Scharenberg (Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung—New York Office)