November 1, 2022

The Operationalisation of a Fit for Purpose Santiago Network for Loss and Damage: An African Perspective

The Loss and Damage Collaboration

[Originally published at]

Climate change is hitting the African continent particularly hard. Households and communities on the frontlines of climate change are experiencing loss and damage from a range of climate impacts – both economic and non-economic in nature. With COP 27 taking place on African soil it is critical that the outcome of COP 27 serve the needs of Africa and her people. This brief draws on examples of loss and damage throughout Africa as well as the submissions from African Parties to suggest how the Santiago Network can be fit for purpose and urgently operationalised to provide support to address the needs on the ground in African and other vulnerable developing countries.

Download the brief here.

(Top photo: Drought Response Somali region, Afdher Zone, UNICEF Ethiopia, licenced under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.)
