20 May. 2023

The Great Transition: Struggling in Times of Global Crisis

The New York office of the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung is proud to be part of the activities at the international event “The Great Transition: Struggling in Times of Global Crisis.”

In its 2023 edition, this conference–organized by Alternatives and Historical Materialism–will look into how we can move from resistance to a societal transformation, imagining a real project of transition out of capitalism, based on critical knowledge produced both in the university and in social movements.

Among the highlights, on May 20, RLS-NYC project manager Julian Lattimore will join Silvia Federici and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor in the conference “Connecting our Struggles for Collective Liberation.”

Also on May 20, Kathi Lehmann from the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung will facilitate the panel “Countering Extractivist Projects.”

The Great Transition will take place on May 18-21, 2023, at Concordia University, Tiohtià:ke/Montréal, Canada.

For more information, visit the website here.
