30 Jul. 2022

Peace & Planet International Conference: The Fierce Urgency of Now

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Peace & Planet International Conference on the eve of the 2022 Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review

July 30, 2022 | 11am-5pm

In person and on Zoom:

All Souls Church
1157 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10075

Peace & Planet’s July 30 Conference has been designed to provide a forum for the world’s peace movements, in order to:

  • Share positions and observations on the dynamics of an increasingly dangerous world disorder, and
  • Organize common strategies for peace, disarmament, and human survival.

The conference is structured with three panels and a breakout session (online and in-person).

We assume all in-person conference participants will respect our expectation that all participants be vaccinated against Covid. Masks will be required.


11:00 – 11:15 | Gather & Welcome

11:15 – 12:30 | Panel 1: Geopolitical Contexts

  • Jeremy Corbyn 
  • Dr. Jiang Tianjiao
  • Reiner Braun
  • Rev. Liz Theoharis

12:30 | Lunch break

1:00 – 2:30 | Panel 2: Ukraine War, Nuclear Weapons and Human Needs

  • Oleg Bodrov
  • Yurii Sheliazhenio
  • Jackie Cabasso
  • Owen Tudor

2:35 – 3:30 | Break out sessions

Participants can chose to join one of the three workshops (in parallel) or a facilitated discussion round


  1. The Ukraine War and the Path Ahead for Peace and Disarmament Work
  2. Global NATO Expands & Moves into the PACIFIC: The New Strategic Concept & the Largest PACIFIC Naval War Practice RIMPAC with NATO Ships
  3. Addressing the Twin Existential Threats of Nuclear Weapons and Climate Change in the Pacific and the Positive Obligations of the TPNW

3:35 – 5:15 | Panel 3: The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and The Imperative of Disarmament

  • Kunhikio Sakuma
  • Anuradha Chenoy
  • Ruth Mitchell

Closing words by organizers and presentation of the conference statement.

­­Conference Speakers:

Jeremy Corbyn – Member of Parliament, CND & Stop the War (UK)

Reiner Braun – Executive Director of the International Peace Bureau (Germany)

Owen Tudor – Deputy General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (UK)

Anuradha Chenoy –Jawaharlal Nehru University & Asia-Europe People’s Forum

Jackie Cabasso – Executive Director of the Western States Legal Foundation; North American Coordinator, Mayors for Peace (USA)

Oleg Bodrov – Chairman of The European Environment Foundation (Russia)

Kunhikio Sakima – Chairperson of Hiroshima Hidankyo (Japan)

Yurii Sheliazhenko – Executive secretary of Ukrainian Pacifist Movement (Ukraine)

Ruth Mitchell – International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (Australia)

Tianjiao Jiang – Associate Professor at Development Institute, Fudan University (China)

Joseph Gerson – Campaign for Peace, Disarmament & Common Security (USA)

Rev. Liz Theoharis – Director of Kairos Center for Religions, Rights, and Social Justice and Co-Chair of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival (USA)
