Join us for a day of organizer-led workshops dedicated to emerging frameworks and tools for consciousness-raising work!
Adventures in Radical Theory and Practice is a three day popular education workshop geared towards building a vibrant movement for social justice. Drawing from the experiences of the ground work from Cairo to Los Angeles as well as the theory experiments of Stuart Hall, this weekend will deepen the toolbox of cultural workers, activists and organizers from across the country.
Workshop presenters:
Artnelson Concordia is part of the organizing effort that brought Ethnic Studies into the San Francisco Unified School District. He teaches US History and is part of the Ethnic Studies pilot project at Balboa High School. He has crafted decolonizing lesson plans for hundreds of students.
Shimaa Helmy is an activist from Cairo, Egypt. She participated in the January 2011 uprising since day one and has been an organizer of marches, demonstrations, and protests ever since. She uses video to tell her own story and the stories of her people.
Vivian Yi Huang is the Campaign and Organizing Director for the Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN). She organizes alongside immigrant community members, developing collective power and leadership for justice.
Reyna Wences brought national attention to the DREAM Act as one of four undocumented students arrested in a sit-in at US Senator John McCain’s office in 2010. She is a co-founder of the Chicago-based Immigrant Youth Justice League and has organized direct actions across the country.
Practitioner Workshop Series
10:30am – 2:30pm : Saturday, December 7th
Betti Ono Gallery : 1427 Broadway : Oakland, CA
This workshop series is open to the public.
Capacity is limited and pre-registration is required.
This event is part of Adventures in Radical Theory + Practice, a three-part series for movement organizers, educators, and cultural workers on December 5, 7, and 8. Adventures in Radical Theory and Practice is curated by the School of Unity and Liberation (SOUL) in collaboration with the RLS–NYC.