Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 9am EDT
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The theme of this year’s UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues is: Peace, justice and strong institutions: the role of Indigenous peoples in implementing Sustainable Development Goal 16.
MADRE and Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung – New York Office are jointly organizing a UNPFII side event to discuss the intersection of environmental protection and peacebuilding within Indigenous communities. How have environmental concerns impacted Indigenous communities and their efforts to build peace? What peacebuilding lessons can we learn from the successes of Indigenous communities have had in protecting their lands and territories? What efforts should be taken by local, national and international governments to acknowledge and address the need to protect Indigenous lands as a means for sustainable peacebuilding?
Indigenous communities around the world continue fighting to remain on their ancestral land, reclaim their land from colonizing powers, and to protect their land from environmental degradation. As the global climate crises only continues to worsen, the connection between environmental concerns (access to clean water, displacement from extreme weather events, protection of/access to natural resources) has only become more prominent. Indigenous leaders have long been at the forefront of the fight to protect Mother Earth and promote the sustainable use of our limited natural resources.
Cindy Kobei, Ogiek Youth Council (Kenya)
Lucy Mulenkei, Indigenous Information Network (Kenya)
Kandi White, Indigenous climate activist (USA)
Remedios Uriana, Indigenous leader (Colombia)