View photos and listen to podcast from the PAH delegation to New York City here.

In New York City and Barcelona, collective calls for rent cancellation and expanded social housing have now turned into a movement against evictions, as many tenants are still reeling from the economic impact of the pandemic.
The Plataforma de Afectadas por la Hipoteca (PAH) (the Platform for People Affected by Mortgages) in particular has instigated a paradigm shift in terms of viewing housing as an inalienable human right and demonstrated the strength of collective action in the pursuit of greater social justice. It has shown that there are ways of making the personal political, and transforming struggles based initially on personal dramas into large, organized movements that challenge the authorities and wider society.
Members of the PAH will be in the New York City area to exchange critical lessons with housing activists based on the recently produced La PAH: A Handbook.This manual describes the essence of PAH and pays tribute to the platform’s history and efforts to obtain decent housing for all, targeting an international audience that views its achievements as a ray of hope.
Members of the Delegation
Santiago Mas De Xaxas Faus
João França
Delia Ccerare Paniora
Mayday Space April 12, 2022
Reception 6:30 PM
Program 7:00-8:30 PM
176 St Nicholas Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11237
New School Social Research April 14, 2022
Making Worlds Books, April 16, 2022
210 South 45th Street Philadelphia PA 19104