The fragmented forces to the left of social democracy are struggling to make an impact in the June elections.
Tags: eu, EU elections, spainFor the longest time, Spain seemed like the lucky exception to the new European normalcy: the rise of a new far right consisting of more or less populist forces on the right of the political spectrum. The conservative Partido Popular (PP) covered a broad spectrum of the political field, including its right margin. This changed with the Andalusian elections in December 2018, when the new VOX party entered the regional parliament, playing a pivotal role in flipping the region after 37 years of social-democratic rule (since the establishment of regional autonomy in 1982).
Tags: far right, spainIn Spain’s municipal elections of May 2015, a constellation of new political forces emerged. For the first time in almost 40 years of Spanish democracy, the country’s major cities would no longer be ruled by either the Partido Popular (PP) or the Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE), or any of the other long established political […]
Tags: municipalism, spain