european union

Posts (4)

Climate Justice

The Time to Act Is Now

In 2019, Carola Rackete became publicly known for docking the sea rescue vessel “Sea-Watch 3”  in Italy and thereby challenging a national decree that contradicted international obligations to engage in sea rescue. Due to this act of civil disobedience and her public confrontation of the Italian far right and the structural racism of the EU’s Fortress Europepolicy, Carola became a powerful symbol for people seeking to take practical action for a world based on justice and equality.

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Transatlantic Left Voices

A Love-Hate Relationship: Far-right parties and the European Union

The European right is gaining strength: Marine Le Pen has turned the Front National into France’s strongest party; Victor Orbán subdues Hungary and closes off the country’s borders against refugees; Heinz-Christian Strache’s Freedom Party of Austria—with their anti-foreigner rhetoric—obtained “fantastic” results; and Frauke Petry has already led the Alternative for Germany in some states to […]

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