Posts (2)

United NationsDossiersUDHR75

The Declaration of Human Rights and the Need for a Universal Enriched by Every Particular

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is an instrument built through the discursive hegemony of the West. A decolonization exercise is essential to think a declaration that approaches the peripheries of the world and the experience of the peoples in struggle.

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United NationsDossiersUDHR75

Fighting Inequality: The untapped Potential of Human Rights

The “age of human rights”, says legal historian Samuel Moyn, has been “kindest to the rich”. It is hard to argue otherwise, with a staggering rise in economic inequality between the haves and have-nots coinciding with the expansion of human rights discourse over the past 50 years. This trend shows no sign of abating. Since 2020, […]

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