climate change

Posts (5)

Climate JusticeUnited Nations

The Operationalisation of a Fit for Purpose Santiago Network for Loss and Damage: An African Perspective

. This brief draws on examples of loss and damage throughout Africa as well as the submissions from African Parties to suggest how the Santiago Network can be fit for purpose and urgently operationalised to provide support to address the needs on the ground in African and other vulnerable developing countries.

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Climate Justice

California’s Apocalyptic ‘Second Nature’

A new, profoundly sinister nature is rapidly emerging from the fire rubble at the expense of landscapes we once considered sacred. Our imaginations can barely encompass the speed or scale of the catastrophe in California and beyond.

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Global Solidarity unlearning: from degrowth to decolonization

Video—Unlearning: From Degrowth to Decolonization

A conversation between Jamie Tyberg, Bilphena Yahwon, and Kazembe Balagun about degrowth and decolonization.

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Climate Justice

Climate Change and the Great Inaction

In this Trade Unions for Energy Democracy working paper, Cornell University’s Sean Sweeney provides an overview of the international labor movement’s efforts to shape a proposed global climate treaty.

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