
Posts (3)

Linke Stimmen über den AtlantikKlimagerechtigkeitGlobale Solidarität

Wie ein Green New Deal gestaltet und finanziert werden kann

There is a genuine acknowledgement by the political establishment that more economic relief is needed. They have come to recognize the need for more in addition to the CARES Act that was signed into law in March 2020 and the most recent Pandemic Relief Bill. It is likely that the Biden administration will boost economic relief while it attempts the herculean task of distributing 100 million COVID-19 vaccine doses in its first 100 days. However, all of this is simply temporary relief that keeps the economy from slipping into a Great Depression. What it does not do is constitute any structural remedy to the deeper socio-economic and ecological problems that we face. For that we must look elsewhere.

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Linke Stimmen über den AtlantikKlimagerechtigkeit

Wir wollen alles: der Übergang zu einem Green New Deal unter Joe Biden

The defeat of the climate-denier-in-chief has opened up a chance of survival against climate chaos. Biden’s first months will determine just what the odds are. Movements can leverage even small concrete victories in this critical window to widen the possibility for wholescale economic and political transformation. For many communities failure in the next few years is not an option. In the words of Rosa Luxemburg, the world is at the crossroads of socialism or barbarism. And in the case of the climate crisis, it is ecological justice or death.

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Getrennt, zusammen

Vorstellung eines gemeinsamen Projekts unter der Leitung der Büros der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung in New York und Brüssel über das Klima und COVID-19 als zwei Seiten derselben Krise und dass diese nun gemeinsam angegangen werden müssen.

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